
WordPress Plugin News

LoyaltyDog Supports Woocommerce

With the initial release of LoyaltyDog’s WordPress plugin, we now are able to offer a full digital mobile engagement platform to all Woocommerce users regardless of whether they are ecommerce-only or also sell on-premise. Mobile engagement is an effective way to increase sales from all channels, including online purchases.

Ecommerce Only?

A business owner that has sales online might wonder why use a loyalty system based such as LoyaltyDog? It really comes down to advanced mobile engagement. Online shoppers are completely engaged via their smartphones. Reach out to your customers through compelling push notifications instead of emails that end up in SPAM folders.

Brick & Mortar AND Ecommerce Support

LoyaltyDog is a perfect match for those businesses that sell on-premise and also online. Today, businesses realize that online sales helps enhance sales by providing for an channel that captures impulse buying 24/7. Your customers will be rewarded regardless of how and where they buy.

How do I get LoyaltyDog?

The WordPress plugin is available in the WordPress Plugins Directory and requires an active LoyaltyDog account. LoyaltyDog accounts are available online from the LoyaltyDog website.

Need Support?

LoyaltyDog’s support portal is available via https://support.loyalty.dog or by emailing [email protected] directly.

Contact LoyaltyDog

We would love to hear your feedback and help you with any questions you might have. Please use our Contact Us form.

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