
Stand out from the Crowd


  • Easy to collect Digital Stamps.
  • Your customer will immediately start collecting stamps.
  • Secure Scanning application at no cost.
  • Control who on your team can scan the Loyalty Pass.
  • No need for any additional devices.
  • Use the Digital Stamp Card as a standalone system.
  • Get up and running in three easy steps.

Great Convenience

  • Everyone has their smartphone with them all of the time.
  • The Smartphone has become the center of our life and we perform an increasing number of transactions on it.
  • No more forgotten stamp cards or plastic cards.
  • Always within reach and easy to use for everyone, young and old alike.

Micro-Location iBeacon Notifications and Geolocation Notifications

  • Make use of Geo Location functionality.
  • Your Loyalty Members will receive a welcome message of your choosing when they are near your business.
  • Enhance personalised messaging even more by installing iBeacon devices at your location.
  • As your customer moves around your space, context based messages will be sent.
  • Results in higher sales


  • We have made the cost of ownership accessible to all business, both large and small.
  • Single owned small business.
  • Mom&Pop stores.
  • Family owned chains.
  • Local franchises.

Reduced Costs

  • Every business is always looking for ways to reduce costs and increase profits.
  • Marketing to customers who like your products is definitely cost effective.
  • 65% of a company’s business comes from existing customers.
  • Identify and market to existing customers and reduce costs.
  • Save money by targeting customers who like your product.

Get In Touch

Get more information now on how LoyaltyDog will help your business.

GBP Pound sterling